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Prayer & Share ReportsDecember 25-31, 2010What wonderful meetings we shared in over the holidays at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) in Hot Springs, Arkansas. This was the Winter Camp meeting, one of eight scheduled camp meetings each year. LHBC is a great ministry with various accommodations, and specializes in deliverance, and Dulce and I were not disappointed. I'd been wanting to go for a number of years since I've been reading their Newsletters freely available for anyone. Call or write and ask for them. Their meetings are available on MP3, DVDs, and Live over the internet at And they have hundreds of excellent books available also. The three times I spoke are available here on my website, and are an excellent introduction for my book, Holy Nutrition, as well as an exposition on The Coming of the Lord. It was a joy to see them applying the truths they learned from Holy Nutrition in the meals they served, and to see people healed naturally and supernaturally from various problems by our ministry and the ministry of others there. They are sweet people and abound in the joy of the Lord! Deliverance is such a needed ministry in the Body of Christ, and the Lord raised up LHBC over 35 years ago to accomplish this important work in God's kingdom. I highly recommend them for everyone! And, if you want a drink of pure, fresh, clean, artesian, holy water, try them at January 17, 2010This was our first meeting in an established congregation since we received our new book, Holy Nutrition, the end of December. My wife and I were waiting expectantly for months to get the books since the invitation was given, and were not disappointed. Teaching went forth, people were healed, and 100 books were distributed by free-will offerings. A couple of months later I was blessed to learn that a sister had been so inspired by my chapter on the history and benefits of raw milk, that she had diligently searched for a source, found one, and to everyone’s surprise, her husband was then healed of an allergy and her son of eczema since enjoying the wonderful healing nutrition of raw cow’s milk as God designed it to be. That is why Israel was promised and found to be “A land flowing with milk and honey.” Both are tremendous sources of not just nutrition, but health and healing. The pastor and others are also now regularly enjoying the delicious and nutritious raw milk and other farm fresh products as well. In fact as I write this, my breakfast this morning was with some of my wife’s home made granola, an organic banana, and some of that raw cow’s milk. It can be frozen and served whenever needed. June 14, 2008Greetings once again. So many things have transpired since my last note, but the Lord is blowing afresh, and I want to update you all. I just finished the latest edition of my book, Holy Nutrition, and have made it available here on the web (it just went up today), and now need prayer for all the aspects of getting it into a regular paper printing. September 19, 2006Dulce and I ministered this morning in a local congregation on Holy Nutrition, and as usual, the Lord moved by his precious Holy Spirit in Words of Knowledge and people were healed. Praise the Lord! That was before I taught, but after I taught and preached, many were prayed for, and again God moved in power as the gifts of “miracles” (literally “power” in the Greek) and revelations manifested and more people were healed and ministered to. What a joy to see God move and bless His people. My request is for prayer for us to be led to those remnant ones who are serious about being ready for the Lord’s Coming. Those who love Him both in word and deed, and want to be pleasing in everything they do, and be “wholly sanctified” and “blameless” before Him when He arrives! “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. Brethren, pray for us.”
We are fast approaching the fully manifested days of the last revival before His coming, and we all need to be seeking Him, praying and fasting and walking in obedience to His every wish, fully prepared for this great day that is upon us. Would you pray regularly for us, remembering the prayer that Paul gave and is on the opening page of our web site. (Colossians 4:2-4 and following.) Thank you so very much, and may the Lord keep you safe and secure in His precious arms and care. | |
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