John Rothacker Ministries | |||
About UsJohn Rothacker Ministries is a composite of many aspects of an apostolic ministry (service) to the body of Christ (Eph. 4:11). Recognizing that "known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world," one can trace the preparation of this ministry before I was born. However, some of the more significant events are as follows: After graduating from the Ohio State University College of Dentistry in 1963 and completing an Internship in Pedodontics at Children's Hospital in Columbus in 1964, I was dramatically converted that fall when the Lord's presence filled the room where I was reading the life testimony of a Christian missionary martyred for his faith. It happened when I came across the prophetic statement that he had written home to his family in 1943, "I believe that this war and the ensuing federations will set the world stage, as never before, for the rise of anti-Christ!" I have known since that experience that we are living at the end of the age, evolution which I had been taught and believed was a deadly lie, and that the scriptures were truly the Word of God. I experienced that God the Father and Creator was real, the Lord Jesus was truly the Son of God and my Saviour, and that the Holy Spirit had been drawing me to God and had filled the living room of my apartment overlooking the campus of OSU and myself with His glorious presence which I shall never forget. Praise His Holy name! After practicing dentistry for about two years, I felt called to give my life full time in the Master's service with the only talent I had at the time, my profession, and of course my whole being. Also stimulated to fasting and more prayer, I went on a missionary trip to the West Indies as a dentist, and while there the Lord started to use me to preach and teach. On the return trip I experienced another significant event through the ministry of an evangelist when I was healed of three conditions, received the first words of the gift of being able to pray with my spirit, and was prophetically confirmed as an end-time preacher. Several months later in May of 1967, I was ordained by "the laying on of the hands of the presbytery" with the prophetic words confirmed later many times, "We meet as the body of Christ and in the name of Jesus, set John apart as an apostle to plant the Church. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." I have endeavored to follow this calling faithfully since that time and will continue to do so by God's grace until the end! Today, few people realize what true apostles and prophets are, or for that matter, how evangelists, shepherds, and teachers are to function in building up the one true church, the body of Christ, of which the Lord Jesus is Head, whether when gathering together in two's or three's or hundred's or thousand's. Consequently, we must lay the foundations of proper doctrine which the scriptures call "the apostles' doctrine" (Acts 2:42). To do this the Lord instructed me to produce a set of seven messages, which included three books available at that time, later four, and now five, and make them available by faith in Him as He leads, as I have been living by His faith, since the beginning. I have never asked for an offering from anyone, but have lived by faith in Him, accepting the tithes and offerings of God's people unsolicited and with thankfulness for His faithful provisions over these many years. Never has He failed me, never have I been without or gone hungry except to be deliberately fasting, and never have I had to owe anyone anything except to love them. The ministry is registered with the federal government as a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit church corporation, but in rendering "unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's," we also have a business corporation, "Health for Today," through which we do our various health ministries that involve products for the health of God's people. The profits from this corporation are also used to sustain and extend the overall ministry worldwide. My fourth book, The church, is what my whole life and ministry are all about. It teaches what the true church is, how to enter and how it is to function. A large portion explains the false Babylonian Church and then contrasts this with the true church. And then there is a chapter on how to find the mind of the Lord when functioning corporately, and then a chapter on church discipline. The first of three other major publications, The Public Ministry of Women, teaches about the biblical role that women are to have in the body of Christ, specifically in the assembly, along with many other foundational truths. The second, A Woman's Headcovering, is a booklet expounding "a biblical custom practiced faithfully by all godly women from the beginnings of recorded history until our present generations." Also, there is a now a supplement with additional historical information about both men and women’s headcoverings. The third, A Woman's Dress, is another booklet, teaching what God has to say from the creation of man in "Genesis" to "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" about modesty and dress for both men and women, but primarily the biblical and secular emphasis that is upon women. In 1976, the Lord Jesus led me out of years of part-time dental practice (for Paul, it was making tents, Acts 18:3) and into a radio ministry where I was "on call" teaching and discussing the scriptures and health related subjects over the air live until 1996. An original "talk radio" format according to Acts 19:9, the "Truth for Today" program has been an outreach through the media of radio, tapes, and literature to "plant the church" in Christ, in His love, faith, holiness, righteousness, health, and healing, always endeavoring to speak the truth in love. After having been called to be celibate for many years, the Lord gave me a helpmate to minister with. God is healing both naturally and supernaturally as I teach; and my wife, Dulce, is given manifestations of the Holy Spirit such as "a word of knowledge," "gifts of healings," and "spiritual songs" (Ex. 15:26; I Cor. 12:7-11; Eph. 5:19). As we minister together, the operation of "faith" and "the working of miracles" bring wonderful surprises. Among various other ministries available is a Basic Disciples Course on audio cassettes, CDs, or on our web site together with the books called "Apostolic Foundation Series." This series of teachings from the Lord's direction is very helpful for anyone who desires to build his life and God's church in love and scriptural truth. These and other programs from Truth For Today are available upon request. Another specific ministry given by special revelation and now available in book form is "Holy Nutrition." Through the "Health for Today" program, literature, instructions, and products about health and healing are obtainable. "Manna From Heaven" Whole Leaf Aloe Vera is our own label of the major product that the Lord has directed us to provide for the "health and healing" of His people. At the present time, Truth for Today is only available by previously taped programs, but will become available again by radio and the Internet as the Lord directs. We are also active in various ministries working to preserve our American Christian heritage and regain religious freedom at home, and promoting unity, revival, and restoration in the body of Christ worldwide. Anyone desiring to be a part of this ministry can contact us for further information and materials available. John Rothacker Ministries P.O. Box 3219 Columbus, Ohio 43210 (614) 833-1223 Health for Today, Inc.Health for Today is the business corporation through which the many health products and business opportunities are offered to God's people in fulfilling the scriptural mandate by Jesus to: "Feed my sheep!" If we love Him, we will see that those words mean not only the spiritual feeding of the Word of God, but that it was also taken quite literally by the early apostles. After some time when the load got to be too great, they appointed deacons to carry on that ministry for which they retained ultimate responsibility, but over which seven men were selected by the community, and which the apostles ordained to oversee the distribution of food and supplies in meeting the daily service. Since 1973, I have been involved in teaching about and distributing health products. It is necessary, first, because the scripture reveals and the Holy Spirit leads in this ministry. But, second, because of so much false understanding and teaching, God's people need to know the truth of His Word and have available the finest and best products for their health that the Lord has created, and at either proper prices or as alms as the Lord provides. In a dream He instructed me to coin a new phrase, "Holy Nutrition," and has continued to lead me more and more in understanding and teaching it. This involves both scriptural teaching about foods, and other specific herbs and foods as revealed by His Spirit that He has given us for our health and well being. A book, Holy Nutrition, has now been written and is available. Public meetings are held for this purpose, as well as teaching and healing ministry in church congregations. The Health for Today radio programs are also a part of this ministry, as well as various tapes, CDs, books, and literature that are made available. These materials are either sold or distributed by faith in the Lord's provision. One cannot put a "price" on information that saves souls and physical bodies, so materials are either sold at nominal cost, or given freely with the request that you pray about what the Lord would have you to do. All tithes and offerings to or through us, or alms through us, are to be given to John Rothacker Ministries, and are fully tax deductible. All products are to be purchased through Health For Today, or other associates as indicated, and while foods are not taxable, some products are subject to sales tax in Ohio. Please pray for us as we endeavor to make holy, happy, and healthy disciples of all nations, preparing them for the Lord's return and eternity. | |||
© 2013 John Rothacker Ministries. All rights reserved. |